Pleasant Hilling GG recon


Did a little recon this morning for the Gravel Grinder ride I’ll host this winter. Beautiful morning. 50 miles of goodness. Stumbled upon some of the Katy Trail extension that has yet to be opened to public use and decided to investigate/clear spiderwebs. Should be finished in 5 years.

Ride yer bike!

2 thoughts on “Pleasant Hilling GG recon

  1. Probably do one in the Fall (early Oct) and host another early in 2012. Gotta work up cue sheets and bailouts so I don’t lose anyone.

    I’m still planning a Dairyland tour some time in 2012. Get a decent touring bike by then and join me for a day or so. I’ll probably drive up to Lacrosse and wander around from there for a few days before I circle back. Gonna take photos for my magazine and maybe write something interesting enough for ADV Cyclist or some other bike rag.

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