Seems like days off from work usually go like this: much planned / little accomplished. Mostly because every time I take a vacation day off work a kid ends up being sick or there’s some crises with the house. Today was a secret carryover day that my boss allowed me to use because I was unable to take all my 2013 calendar year days. Dog wakes up at 4am, pees poops and wants to play. I’m wired and take a while to force myself back to sleep before my wife needs to get up for her work. Kid #2 comes up into the room upset stomach fever throws up and crawls into bed. Kid #1 yells from downstairs 30min later with crusty eyes and thinks it’s the pink eye – then she gets upset belly and the dog wakes back up at 5:50 with all the commotion and wants to eat. Here we go again… But amazingly, after a little coffee, a morning walk for the pup at -9°F wind chill and a bright bluebird sky made it all better. Even went to the DMV and the reception lady (the line before the line) said “Everything looks perfect – have a great day”. Ran a few errands at the bank, pet store, Bike Stop and by the time I arrived home the kids were feeling better, I took a nice walk (again) with the pup but this time accompanied by a pretty lady. Wrapped up the walk and went for an hour bike ride with a great friend. Sometimes the best days start out shitty, so hang in there – it always gets better.